The water and wastewater industry needs to ensure water safety, optimal and reliable water quantity and water quality. All this in a context of social changes such as climate adaptation, circularity and energy reduction and – generation. Water authorities have to respond to these challenges. At the same time, these organizations need to ensure the continuous performance of the assets within acceptable costs and risks. Both tasks appeal to the same limited resources (people, money). As a result we see a competition between preservation (keep things running) and innovation (respond to social changes).

Organizations have to be able to qualify and quantify this Asset Management triangle of Performance, Cost and Risk to their Board and other stakeholders to enable well-informed decision making. This requires organizations to have a good insight into their asset base and their own organization. Important trends in this domain are ageing assets and an ageing workforce, which can be detrimental to the organizational goals. Utilizing modern technologies and alignment of the organization to utilize these opportunities are a means to be ready for the future.

MaxGrip has a vast track record in the water and wastewater industry. We have helped many asset owners overcome APM obstacles to transform into a future-proof, robust organization.

Discover your asset improvement potential

Contact us to find out more.

How we help

Transform for lasting improvements

  • Asset Improvement Program: get a comprehensive fit/gap analysis, customized roadmap and business case to reach asset performance targets. From strategizing, small-scale implementation to full-scale deployment and proven success.

  • Implementing Asset Management: tailoring the principles of Asset Management for our clients. Important elements are a Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), Long Term Asset Plans (LTAP) and realizing effective coordination between the asset-related departments, supported by an integrated Asset Information System.

  • Risk-based Asset Management: create, deploy and optimize controlled risk management together with our client. In addition, we develop maintenance strategies ensuring asset reliability and cost optimization. Typical methodologies include: RAMS, FMECA, Reliability Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Analysis.

  • Turn-around maintenance planning: transforming the traditional ad-hoc day-to-day maintenance execution to a more centralized turn-around approach, which requires a transformation in people’s behavior, planning, preparation and EAM system support.

  • Asset Information Management: from data cleansing to data governance. We help to control the whole Asset data Life-cycle.

  • Digital Transformation, helping organizations to utilize the power of digital technologies. Developing top-down transformational capabilities such as a digital strategy, digital competences and a digital infrastructure. Good examples are Predictive Maintenance and Asset health dashboards
  • Industry 4.0 software solutions. Whether these are EAM or APM 4.0 solutions; we help with solution and vendor selection, functional design, system and process configuration and full deployments. Prioritizing reporting results and company-wide dashboards to gather insights and stay in control.

  • Change Management: enable organizational learning, knowledge transfer, training, coaching, interim staff to work side-by-side with the workforce

Get in touch.

Alex Lemuz

Alex Lemuz
Sales Manager - Americas
T: +1 832-933-1602

APM Challenges for Water and Wastewater

Best practices SAMP, AMP and LTAP at two water authorities

Peter van der Haven (Asset Manager at water authority Rijnland) and Eric Voost (Asset Manager at water company Waternet) have quite some experience with Asset Management instruments such as SAMP, AMP and LTAP. Arjen van Bruchem, consultant at MaxGrip, talks to them about their ideas, experience and best practices.

idea for innovation

Meet the organizations already boosting their performance with MaxGrip

A clear glass carafe filled with water and a glass half-filled with water are placed on sandy ground amidst tall green grasses. The setting appears to be a coastal dune, with a calm, scenic landscape in the background featuring grassy hills and a distant water body under a bright blue sky. The overall scene conveys a sense of refreshment and tranquility, highlighting the natural beauty of the outdoors.

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