Production and Operations expect reliable assets that perform with confidence and flawlessly. Maintenance and inspection interventions to prevent failures are unwanted necessities. Repairs are even more disruptive but Production and Operations understand the importance and inevitability of maintenance and inspection. They are also part of the reasons why assets fail.

Our consultants know how to change this for you with an asset reliability management program. We achieve significant improvements by the application of Risk-Based Maintenance (RBM) and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). This is combined with technology to monitor and predict critical Asset Health. Our experts also involve and inform Operators on how they can and must contribute to avoid unscheduled and unnecessary breakdowns.

Improve your asset reliability

Contact us to find out more.

How We Help

RCA and RCM for reliable assets

Root Cause Analysis

  • Setting up, doing and facilitating RCA studies

  • Realistic improvement potential scoped and reported

  • Deployment of improvements

  • Training operators and technicians

  • Deployment of cross-site standardized RCA approach

Reliability Centered Maintenance

  • Asset criticality studies

  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

  • Project management and stakeholder management

  • Business case with KPIs and realistic improvement potential

  • Realizing interdepartmental collaboration to get internal adoption of changes

  • Training and coaching of maintenance and operations workforce

  • Provide interim specialists

Reliable Assets with Reliability Centered Maintenance

It could be that your assets are working, unplanned downtime is acceptable, but you know that asset performance can be optimized, and should be optimized to reach business targets. In this case, you would want to establish a Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) strategy. This proven method is already many years old but the access to new, relatively cheap and better technology have given RCM a second life.

The biggest benefit of a RCM program is cost reduction through efficient maintenance methods, which are endorsed through EAM and APM solutions and access to OT data. Companies that successfully implement RCM see reduced maintenance and resource costs as well as increases equipment availability. Because criticality is determined through FMEA, a greater understanding of risk levels and consequences are established and limited resources can then be focused on assets that if failed, would cause the most disruption.

Typical benefits of a asset reliability management program

Based on over twenty years of RCM expertise

  • A significant decrease in overall maintenance costs (OPEX and CAPEX)

  • Extended asset lifetimes

  • More predictable downtimes due to planned maintenance interventions

  • A higher overall asset availability and reliability

Meet the Organizations Already Boosting Their Performance with MaxGrip

Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Asset Reliability of SFPUC's VPSA Oxygen Plant


Reduction in work orders

Asset Improvement Program

Want to go beyond the problem and improve your asset performance in the long term? MaxGrip’s Asset Improvement Program tackles your business challenges in three stages, starting with a fit/gap assessment of your current versus your desired situation. 

MaxGrip asset reliability

Get inspired

Offshore facility extends asset life with 15 years

Cenosco and MaxGrip announce a strategic partnership to enhance asset integrity management, combining Cenosco's software expertise with MaxGrip's consultancy in Asset Performance Management, aiming to optimize operations and improve client outcomes.

Ishikawa template

The fishbone diagram is a common tool to identify or prevent a particular event, download a template.

Checklist: implementing a Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) program

The first steps for implementing a risk based inspection program. Discover what types of data to collect and how to go about calculating risk.