A multinational healthcare company, which is headquartered in the United States of America, operates in over 120 countries and has an annual revenue of over US$ 25 billion. The manufacturer of healthcare products teamed up with MaxGrip to improve their asset performance in the nutrition division contributing to a better Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

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Challenge: Improve OEE Across Sites

The pharmaceutical company has a global excellence program for asset
management. The goal of the program is to improve Overall Equipment
Effectiveness and reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) through asset
management. Site and employee ownership have been defined as important
success factors of the corporate program; sites are enabled to make the ambitions
a reality through pragmatic, tailored improvement plans per site. Those plans are
owned and rolled out with site employees in the lead. MaxGrip was asked to assess
the asset performance improvement potential at seven sites. A second step is the
deployment of the improvements, with site management in the lead.

Approach: Multi Site Asset Improvement Deloyment

Asset Improvement Mapping
MaxGrip first performed an assessment, an Asset Improvement Mapping, at
seven sites across Europe and Asia. The assessment is based on fourteen APM
competencies which belong to three dimensions: asset reliability, management
and maintenance execution. MaxGrip’s AIM scoped the improvement potential per
site and delivered a set of tailored recommendations per location. The below graph
shows a high-level impression of the different asset management maturity scores
per dimension for each site. The goal here is not to score a certain mark but to have
a starting point from which sites can measure the progress of their improvements
as the end goal for all sites is to contribute to a better Overall Equipment
Effectiveness through decreasing APM-related loss factors.

AIM results per competency dimension for seven locations. The asset management maturity score is used as a baseline for improvement.

Site-led improvement plan
The improvement program continued with the sites then having to create a tailored
improvement plan for their location based on their AIM recommendations. MaxGrip
consultants facilitated a workshop in which three to four improvement topics were
selected based on what would add the most value to increase OEE and improve
Total Cost of Ownership. Additionally, the sites determined the scope of the first
step of the deployment, keeping it limited to one specific production line, one asset
type or another limited scope. In this stage, all site teams also set targets to be
able to measure progress.

Asset Improvement Deployment
Once the improvement plans were created and agreed on, the sites could start with
the deployment of the changes. This Asset Improvement Deployment is the second
stage of MaxGrip’s Asset Improvement Program. While the site teams are in the
lead to deploy the improvements, MaxGrip is closely involved as a coach and guide
and to represent the global excellence program. MaxGrip consultants coach the site teams in regular progress meetings, connect sites to share best practices and develop standards and templates to improve cross-site alignment. In the area of asset reliability, for example, site 1 was clearly the most mature of all participating sites. Their asset reliability approach was finetuned and shared as a global best practice and standard for other sites. With he help of MaxGrip, this promoted internal knowledge sharing with site 1 also helping site 6 with setting up their OEE measurement tool correctly, demonstrating use and coaching them.

MaxGrip is also working on a deep dive of the EAM system to maximize use and
effectiveness across the organization.

Global training program
The experienced MaxGrip consultants further inspire Maintenance and Engineering
employees to bring their knowledge and expertise to the next level by giving
training sessions to all (400 people are invited each month). Each monthly session
has a different topic in alignment with the recommendations and improvement
topics that the sites are working on, e.g. asset criticality ranking and maintenance
workflow optimizations. The sessions are of a practical nature and include the
sharing of standards, templates, tips and tricks by senior MaxGrip consultants.
The sessions always include a presentation by one site project team which shares
their way of working regarding the theme of that month.

The Results: Ownership at Site Level

The asset performance improvement deployments are still underway at all of the
sites. The project does already bring clear changes which are beneficial to the global
excellence program for asset management:

  • The program clearly encourages communications between sites;
  • The program also stimulates collaboration between departments
    within sites;
  • Due to the setup of the program all of the seven site leadership
    teams have taken full ownership and responsibility for the
  • Skills and domain expertise levels are increasing thanks to the
    MaxGrip consultants coaching site teams and offering knowledge
    sessions to all Maintenance and Engineering employees;
  • Maintenance maturity is expected to grow rapidly thanks to
    the asset performance improvement project.

As for the improvement in Overall Equipment Effectiveness,
the sites show great progress. We are on track to reach
the projected OEE savings which, for some sites, means an
improvement of 1 to 2.5%. Additionally, the improvement
in Total Cost of Ownership is underway with an expected
decrease of 1 to 4%.

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Professional engineering team join hands together and celebrating success. Business teamwork concept

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Free eBook to understand what defines reliability centered maintenance (RCM).