This global company has produced specialty chemicals for more than a hundred years. The manufacturer has facilities in over twenty countries around the globe. The chemical company realized that the asset performance of their Dutch plant could be improved. The company wanted to transform to a maintenance demand organization and work more with contractors to increase their maintenance maturity. The company recognized that it was important to get a better overview of their current situation and what the roadmap to improving production output and lowering Total Cost of Ownership would be. Following on that, the company wanted to take the first steps towards improving the site’s asset management organization. They asked MaxGrip to do an Asset Improvement Mapping (AIM) to scope their potential growth and to plot the first steps on the roadmap to better asset performance and a higher maintenance maturity level.

Case study – highlights


Stage 1 – Asset Improvement Mapping: we assessed the current situation, build a business case with realistic improvement potential and deployment roadmap.

Stage 2 – Asset Improvement Deployment: implement suggested improvements for the dimensions of people, processes, data and systems.


  • Growth from firefighting to functional maturity level
  • PM:CM ratio from 10:90 to 50:50
  • Pro-active and effective interdepartmental collaboration through shared dashboards

Get in touch.

Alex Lemuz

Alex Lemuz
Sales Manager - Americas
T: +1 832-933-1602

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