ONE-Dyas is the largest private upstream oil and gas company in the Netherlands. In 2017 ONE-Dyas, together with partners Hansa Hydrocarbons and EBN, discovered the cross border N05-A gas field and is currently in the process of developing the field. The N05-A field will host a fully automated, remotely controlled offshore gas facility. They requested MaxGrip to assist with the development of the maintenance strategy, vision and requirements to an Industry 4.0 level that fits the ambitions. The goal is to minimize lifetime cost, optimize production, and achieve near-zero emissions without harming the environment.

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Challenge: Strategy and Roadmap

For the offshore platform that will be built on the N05-A gas field, ONE-Dyas has
an ambitious plan. The vision for their greenfield facility is to minimize lifetime
cost and optimize production at near zero emissions and without harming
the environment. One of the drivers for this vision is to be fully connected and

Their exisiting maintenance strategy had to be adapted to work for the N05-A
plans of full autonomation and remote operations. This includes defining the
requirements for suppliers. Moreover, a roadmap had to be added to be able
to implement the philosophy for N05-A and future developments.

“For our N05 project, the first electrified platform powered by wind in the Netherlands, we were assisted by MaxGrip. They have a similar vision and similar ambitions as ONE-Dyas. We were both eager to realize an autonomous platform like the N05. MaxGrip has contributed to the initial ideas and I am excited about working together towards a sustainable future as part of the energy transition .”

– Peter Nieuwenhuijze, COO at ONE-Dyas –

Approach: Automated Process Control

To come to a good strategy based on ONE-Dyas’s vision, we interviewed internal
stakeholders from all relevant disciplines. Our consultants combined those
insights with their experience and the available documentation.
It was clear from the start that for automated process control to be a success,
production and maintenance needed to work together seamlessly. We defined six
important areas for success including maintenance, forecasting and surveillance.
The main goals or challenges per area were defined such as:

  • Maintenance how to maintain and restore asset health
  • Forecasting what will the asset produce tomorrow
  • Reservoir surveillance how can the recovery be increased

For all of the six areas, production and maintenance management were plotted to
show and emphasize how important it is for success to have the two departments
working together.

Level of Machine Intelligence
Process control strategy

This visualization was used to define the high-level strategy requirements
for equipment. To give some examples:

• Combine Engineering Technology, Operations Technology and Information
• Create an architecture-driven solution;
• Make use of Digital Transformation/Digital Twin (process and asset);
• Use/develop Real Time Decision Making (models);
• Utilize Failure Mode Centric approach;
• Include Maintenance Strategy Optimization;
• And more.

Maintenance Strategy Optimization
With the requirement of control of the subsurface reservoir, platform process
towards pipeline export specifications with minimal unplanned intervention
possible, it was essential to come to an optimization of the maintenance strategy.
The maintenance interval for planned stops is set at around twelve months and
remote verification and inspection should be possible. Based on the different
types of equipment and different factors such as rules and regulations, FMECA
and whether a reliable Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) was possible, different
maintenance strategies are applied. In the end, to be able to have the platform
fully automated and connected, all strategies amalgamate into prescriptive
maintenance templates.

Maintenance Approach
Maintenance strategy optimization model

Based on the strategy, a detailed autonomous facility roadmap was added to the
ONE-Dyas Project Maturation Process. Together with ONE-Dyas Staff, MaxGrippers
worked on several items in the roadmap. These are some of the items added:

  • Incorporate requirements and benefits of autonomous production location
    strategy in Basis of Design;
  • Quick-FMECA (high-level) to identify critical equipment based on FEED
  • Full FMECA on critical equipment to determine critical failure modes and
    related mitigating design changes (eg.redundant equipment, early detection
    opportunities (process and asset sensors));
  • Identify needed production and maintenance models and (test)data;
  • Translate mitigating actions from FMECA towards detailed design.

The main goal for all of the activities is to ensure that the platform can operate


The Results: Shared Vision and Roadmap

Working on a greenfield project means that there is minimal legacy and a common
motivation to do it right from the start. The MaxGrip consultants leveraged that
enthusiasm to come to a shared vision, strategy and approach to fully automate and
connect the N05-A platform. In other words, one of the most important results that
we realized with this strategy and roadmap for ONE-Dyas is an internal alignment
of the Operations and Maintenance departments. We are now working on the design
and execution stages of the roadmap and are making sure that ONE-Dyas can start
operations on the N05-A platform when needed.

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APM business case

Webinar in partnership with UReason and Ultimo. The webinar focuses on technology, processes and organization to kickstart asset performance improvements.

MaxGrip Family APAC

The number one hurdle to make digital transformation successful? According to 62% of business leaders it is organizational culture (as reported by MIT Sloan and Capgemini). This widespread challenge drives home the message that your company culture needs to be a key element in your industry 4.0 change strategy.

MaxGrip at EuroMaintenance 2023: Empower People to Perform

MaxGrip played a large part in the program with two keynotes and five workshops with Waternet, ONE-Dyas, TenneT, Victrex, LNS Research and IFS Ultimo.